Irwin home Equity

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Purchasing real estate is a very emotional affair and your first home is a very exciting prospect. Equities Capital Markets | Corporate Supporting UK wide deals for institutions and corporates, we offer city advice from our domestic office networks. Equity Market attorneys have extensive knowledge of all aspects of a common equity market deal (investors, emitters and underwriters). The Equity Capital Market teams will advise you: No matter whether it is the establishment of a business on the Stock Market, the procurement of finance or the listing on foreign securities Exchanges, our staff has the necessary know-how and business know-how to assist you.

Our expertise in working with different sides of equity deals has given us a deep understanding of the likely barriers to overcome. Our use of this expertise is to develop practical and acceptable responses. Some of the deals that our Equity Capital Markets group has worked on include:

Fonds | Business Legal advice

We have a dedicated investment advisory and advisory firm that works with clients, investment professionals, investment manager and sponsors on incorporation, structure, legal requirements and governance. Both onshore and offshore, and our UK practice has developed a powerful global legal practice specialised in funding cross-border transaction schemes.

Advised investment manager and investor on onshore and offshore funds set-up and structure; advised investment manager on the creation of Oak Capital, a Guernsey based Guernsey based privat equity funds for individual clients.


We introduced a new two-tier leadership for our businesses in May 2011 and established a corporate group. Legal personal and commercial legal service. Our work for individual clients is carried out by our Personal Legal Service area. jurisdictions such as personal injury, our motor vehicle department, our domestic family practices, our protective court group, disputed estate litigation, conveyancing and wills, trust and estate groups, and our public and human rights specialists.

Our work for companies is taken over by our fast-growing Business Legal Services area. These include our property crews, our business and trade experience, our business litigation unit, our domestic employment unit, our debt collection practices, insolvency crews and our Regulatory and Compliance Group (RCG). We specialize in working with high net worth, high net-worth and complex domestic and international individuals, including Personal Legal Services and Business Legal Services lawyers.

Our clients offer a wide range of legal and business advisory activities, ranging from taxation and asset allocation, last will and testament, inheritance and estate planning, real estate and transfer of ownership, marital and estate planning, domestic and foreign legal matters, as well as a wide range of trade and business advisory activities.

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