Fleet Credit Card

Flotilla credit card

Get the latest fleet news and tips from industry experts. Click here to read the Allstar Fuel Card Services Feet News. The fuel billing can be facilitated by methods such as credit card or postage payment. Fleet card is ideal for your managers.

Credit cards vs. fuel credit cards

Using fuelling credentials for your company has many advantages, whether your fleet is large or small. The situation is somewhat different when it comes to a credit card for businesses. On the other side a petrol card often offers a detailed invoice for every single purchase. Changing to a petrol card not only gives you a clear acknowledgement system, it also saves you a lot of work.

By using tank card, your company can achieve considerable cost reductions. Contrary to some credit card, a gasoline card is an interest-free credit card and many companies are offering the latest offers to ensure that you are saving cash. If you refuel with a gas card, useful information such as the MPG (miles per gallon) of each single chauffeur and cars can be provided.

The MPG and sample tracking can be particularly efficient in large fleet applications where small economies can result in enormous monetary advantages for a fleet and therefore for the company as a whole. When you need more evidence, we have prepared a chart that contains all the unique variations for each card.

Flotilla credit card sign a $32M deal with 24/7 fleet finance department

With 24/7 Media Inc. of New York, Fleet Credit Card Services signs a multi-year contract that has the ability to raise up to $32 million for its advertising business. The Fleet Group will sell its Fleet Visa and MasterCard credit card brands throughout the Fleet Group. Mr Fleet said it will soon begin the early stages of the launch process, which will include targeting through the 24/7 media Metrix networks, which, according to Media Metrix numbers, reach more than half of US onliners.

Headquartered in Horsham, PA, Fleet Credit Card Services is the nation's eight-biggest credit card issuing family. As part of the Boston-based Fleet Financial Group, the firm has more than $14 billion in assets under management and more than eight million credit card accounts.

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