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vitamine diphosphate When quoting these regulations, please include these credentials as a reference. Recent resurgence of interest in vitamine analogs and their chemistries as a consequence of changes in vitamine metabolic and functional levels has made some of the older designation schemes for these substances clumsy, leading to the use of unwanted abreviations such as 11?,25-(OH)2D3 in the scientific community.

Therefore, the Commission for Biodiversity has asked H. F. DeLuca, in agreement with other scientific specialists, to devise a simpler and broader system of common naming for vitamins and metabolites. Expand the field of application of Section M-2 of the 1966 Rules[ref 2] and suggest new, shortened trivia name. Biochemically, the most important are calcciol, kalidiol and kcalitriol for chocalciferol, 25-hydroxycholecalciferol and 11?,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol.

Calcium is not necessarily favoured over chocalciferol for vitamine 3 itself, but the new surnames are suggested for hydroxyated derivativity. A full listing of suggested surnames is given in the Annex. Therefore, these suggestions do not replace the guidelines for steroids. However, it should not be shortened to abbreviate form 3 and then modify in a form such as 1,25-(OH)2D3.

Principal confusions in the usage of Stereo Rule 2S-8. ref 4] to vitamine derivative is that the terms "?" and "?" are only valid if the ring A is oriented as in the parental steroid, although the vitamine is often presented in its alternate conformation[compare (1) with (2), (3) with (4), or (8) with (9)].

It is recommended never to apply these describeors to the ring A or to C-6 or C-7 of vitamine dioxide links; should refer to centers of chirality as either Ring A or Ring B, and should refer to centers of chirality as Ring A or Ring B, and to centers of chirality as Ring B or Ring B, and to ring B or Ring C[ref 6]. Due to the intrinsic structure of sequencing algorithms, it is not possible to translate either Ris or Ris from a molecule to its derivative.

In this way stays sumisterol (22E)-9?,10?-ergosta-5,7,22-trien-3?-ol (Steroid Rule 2S-5. 2 in[ref 4]). Researchers have used alterations of mere common nouns to show relations between connections. However, this objective may be accompanied by a significant reduction in the length of name on the basis of chocalciferol and ergo calciferol if the name calcium is used for chocalciferol [(1), which is equal to (2); chocalciferol may continue to be used as an alternate common name for calcium, but should not be used to designate a metabol.

Even though calcium is the strain name for the D3 vitamins and is able to make further modifications (see below), no new strain hydrocarbons are mentioned. As shown in formulas (1) and (2), the superior number of the superior staroid remains unchanged. It is used (Table 2) to indicate the side line (7) for the D2 line, e.g.rcalciol.

Effocalciferol can still be used as an alternate common name for Ecalciol, but should not be used for labeling metabolite. Due to the intrinsic structure of sequencing algorithms, it is not possible to translate either Ris or Ris from a molecule to its derivative. Example of a stereo chemistry at positions 24 (and 25) in the D2 vitaminseries.

It should be noted that the existence or lack of a 22(23) dual binding in the lower three cases does not alter the description at item 24 (or 25) in this set. 2S-3 and 3 (see 9) and steroid regulations 2S-3. Example of a stereo chemistry at positions 24 (and 25) in the D3 vitaminseries. In the case of all groups of hydroxides not contained in the prefixes (see regulations 3 and 10a), the suffixes shall be replaced by the suffix hydroxys, dihydroxys, etc., together with the corresponding place and, where appropriate, the reference to the ester chemistry of this group.

Due to the intrinsic structure of sequencing algorithms, it is not possible to translate either Ris or Ris from a molecule to its derivative. Subtituents not mentioned by the mother compounds and extensions (sections 3, 9a and 11a) should be identified by a prefix together with the corresponding site optionally specifying the addition of addition thereto to the respective site.

Final rulings on the vitamin classification, J. Am. Internationale Union der Ernährungswissenschaften, Committee 1/1, Nomenklatur (1978) Nutr. Regulations for the classification of organochemistry, Section E: Atomic classification of organochemistry, sections A, B, C, as well as sections A, B, C, F and H, Pergamon Press. Tocopherol and related compound classifications, recommendations 1973, Arch.

Atomic classification of organochemistry, Section F: Nature and related substances, Recommendations 1976, Eur. Provisional Regulations for the Autombohydrate Classification, Part 1, 1969, biocher. Unprotected (22E)-(24R)-Ethyl-22,23-didehydrocalciolvitamin D6* WHO-approved name.

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