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You are looking for a citizen advice centre near you for a personal consultation. It'?s me, or is everything getting crazier and crazier?

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Free of charge there are many ways to get help and information. However, it is also worth knowing when you need the kind of consultation that free of charge service cannot do. Whilst these offerings may be trusted resources for help and counsel and give you information about various choices, they do not constitute "regulated" advisory offerings.

That means if you buy a finance item that is only headquartered on the information you get from it, you are solely accountable for the choices you make. Living and purchasing finance services. This is the place where we offer free and impartial help and advice on all monetary issues.

We offer our services on-line, by phone (0800 138 7777) and supported by the federal authorities. What? fights for the consumers' right and offers general monetary counseling through its website, newsletter, financial hotline and jurisdiction. It is a subscription-based payment system, so you must make a payment in order to be a member to get hotline coverage, law services and periodicals.

Much of the monetary information on the website is free, however. The Citizens Advisory Bureau provides free on-line help on many topics, covering debts, social services, cash, employment opportunities and consumers' protection. You are looking for a citizen advisory centre near you for a personal consultation. Scotland Citizens Advisory provides consulting on services, debts and cash - find your closest office to make an appointment. Find your local Citizens Advisory Scotland office for more information.

It is the FCA that governs the UK market for the provision of a range of financial and investment bankingervices. When you hire a finance advisor, you can review the DCA registry to ensure that the company you are working with is properly regulated. What is more, you can also contact a finance advisor to make sure that the company you are working with is properly registered. There is also information about finance related issues, possible fraud and how you can help secure your funds on their website and via their customer hotline (0800 111 6768). is a useful resource, especially for savings hints. Rentenberatungsdienst offers free counselling in all questions relating to pensions. AgingUK offers monetary counselling for over 50s. The TaxHelp for Older Peoples is an impartial and free of charge consultancy for elderly low -income individuals who cannot provide themselves with expert counselling.

Debtline Business provides a free debit advisory services for self-employed and small business in England, Wales and Scotland. The Low Income tax reform group provides income support to low income individuals, as well as college and college leavers, retirees and the handicapped. You can' t help them directly, but they can guide you from their website to further help.

TaxiHelp for Older Peoples is an impartial and free of charge consultancy for elderly low earners who cannot provide themselves with expert guidance. Taxiaid is a charitable organization that assists lower incomers with their taxation needs. If you need information about insolvency or how you can or will make redundancies if your employers cannot or will not make payments, please consult the Insolvency Services.

These are bankruptcies, persons affected by orders for remission of debts, and businesses and alliances that have been dissolved by the courts. Finanzberater are licensed and governed by the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) and therefore offer regulatory advisory services. Regular consultants can only suggest and market those items that are right for you.

The decision to use a regulatory advisor will depend on how complex your finance is and what kind of products or services you want. You may not need regular finance advisory services if you are looking for a simple saving plan or simple auto or home life assurance. Otherwise, get guidance from a regular expert - if you don't, it could be far more expensive than you will be paying in feed.

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