Bridge House Definition

Definition of the bridge house

Staines restarts the bridge house as Ollerod. Staines reopened the Bridge House in Beaminster as the Ollerod Roomed Cafeteria. Four month ago, the former Michelin-starred cook and his business associate Silvana Bandini bought the 14-bedroom Dorset site. "We wanted something that had a link to Dorset, but also something contemporary and a little unusual," he said.

Staines' mom, who originated from Dorset and found the name Ollerod in a Dorset diary on the origin of Alan Chedzoy's Dorset diallect A Bite of a Bumble, came up with the name Ollerod, which is a Dorset idiom for cow-slip. Staines described this as a "challenge", but the visitors were "really supportive", and he also restructured the meal to concentrate on seasonally produced products with Asiatic tastes.

Said Staines that although April was a demanding season due to the bad climate, the local room establishment had "a really good reaction", the last three moths were "really good" and they were on schedule. When Staines left the four-star, 60-bedroom Abbey in Bath, where he was head cook for five years, he was looking for his own company.

Previously, he was for a short time working as Chief Chefs and Directors of Nutrition and Beauty at Heckfield Place in Hampshire, having previously been a Michelin Starfleet at Foliage (now closed) at the Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park in London.

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Keepingsake and Other stories is an anthology of shorts by one of the increasing number of courageous female authors. Denny Palmer tells us tales of difference, sorcery and sorcery near home and beyond in Europe. It' got para-normal tales, a tale of neighbors and a tale of duplicity.

A selection of verses and shorts designed by the Canvey Writers in the upper room of St Nicholas Church on Canvey Island. Others simply lapsed into our lap - they had been presented to other antologies and seemed to fit in with them. I was challenged to create a bullet from a history.

Every tale is different and sparkles in its own way. So many, but not all, tales take place in this rugged north town. And we asked for tales that would make the reader think. As Advent hurries into the darkness so that we can go back to the lights, these 24 tales illuminate our darkness.

Tales that bring you into the minds of criminals and rogues allow you to live in nature. It was a thoughtful début, a dignified prize and a great reading for anyone who loves it. Cheerful amusing tales, a lot about pets! Fictitious tales about ferocious beasts, rough, partly violent, partly sad, partly comical.

It'?s not for kids. Maybe you just want to find interesting literature shorts that will make you think..... 12 meticulously chosen tales that really make you see the outside in a different way. A number of authors who really mirror the Bridge House story are showing this. They' re longer shorts.

Literarily uncommon, interesting histories. Rather summery reading, but on the other hand, who doesn't want to get away from these long winters evenings? Twenty-four story lines that can be reread at any time, but we also thought it would be great reading one every Christmas morning! In the case of 8-11 year olds, these are narratives from the point of view of fictitious figures who retell biblical narratives.

Have a look at a copy of a long ago but still available Bridge House book:

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